Youjia’ao Nine-year System School by SEU-ARCH + UAG Studio

Dialoguing with Nature, Expressing Oneself

Grand Granary Bookstore of Librairie Avant-Garde by Art+Zen Architects and SEU-ARCH

From Material Granaries to Spiritual Granaries

JIANGHUAI LITTLE THEATER, China by School of Architecture, Southeast University

New and old dialogue, space pluralism symbiosis

Yixing Bookstore, China by SEU-ARCH + Concord Architecture

A new public space in “the city of pottery”

Tangshan Mine Bookstore of Librairie Avant-grade, China by SEU-ARCH & Art+Zen Architects

A poetic reading space with a pioneering spiritual orientation

Lukou Airport New Town Comprehensive Cultural Center, China by SEU-ARCH/UA GROUP

a white swan perching on the lake

Ramble – Architectural Education: Zhang Tong, Dean of the School of Architecture of Southeast University

Combine architectural practice with theory study, fostering designers for the social system

gooood book: Six books that Architectural Freshmen should read recommended by Zhang Tong, dean of Southeast University School of Architecture

(Only in Chinese) 6 classic introductory books on architecture from 5 countries

Star Camp Service Center, China by Art+Zen Architects / SEU-ARCH

Intervening to the scenery, merging into the scenery