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gooood是中国第一影响力与受欢迎的建筑/景观/设计门户与平台。旗下网站www.gooood.cn排名为建筑类网站全球前五,亚洲第一,中国第一(来自全球顶级网站数据分析应用similarweb – 2024年5月5日数据)。gooood与全球7500+企业与机构保持良好的官方合作。网站坐拥700万+用户,微信公众号67万+粉丝(截止2024年4月)。gooood坚信设计与创意将使所有人受益,真诚助力设计与创意去改变世界和造福世界;传播世界建筑/景观/室内佳作与思想;赋能创意产业链上的企业与机构。

Since it’s inception in 2010, gooood has expanded rapidly into the popular and influential architecture, landscape, design and art online magazine and community. Based in Beijing,  gooood is a top-ranked website in the field of Architecture (including landscape and interior design) which has the highest traffic in China (one of the top 5 architecture sites in the world; 1st rank in top architecture sites in both China and Asia). Despite already having over 7,000,000 followers on our website and social media accounts (over 670,000 on WeChat ) and honored with a top position of leadership, influence and reputation within the industry, gooood continues to grow at an exponential rate. gooood believe that design and creation can benefit all people. We aim to assist with changing the world by promoting world’s best architecture/landscape/interior works and ideas, energizing enterprises in the creative industry chain.