We are based in Beijing, China.
For any information, please contact us at:
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1. 中英文项目说明,word格式。中英双语需流畅准确且相互对应,标点符号使用正确,采用整段文字,不可每句空行,不可采用机翻英文。
2. 高清照片,JPG格式。大于200分辨率,宽度大于1700像素,不可带有水印,不要拼图,标注好每张照片的版权。
3. 动图,GIF格式。小于2mb,宽度大于1700像素。
4. 主要平立剖等线图,JPG格式。图纸请裁去边框,仅保留内容部分。
5. 视频链接。如有视频文件,请自行上传至腾讯视频,并将链接和视频原件一并发送给我们。
6. 项目信息表。请下载表格填写,并附在资料包中一并发送。
7. 公司页面资料。首次投稿的公司需要提交公司的官方中英文名称、700×700像素的方形logo、简介及联系方式。
8. 关于室内项目。由于投稿中存在改图情况,所以需要参考大众点评或者手机拍摄的真实现场视频进行核对。室内项目请在投稿文件中提供手机拍摄的连续在室内走完一圈的小视频,以及将大众点评的链接粘贴在投稿表格内。
微信平台请提前开好白名单,需要开白的三个公众号:gooood谷德设计网;gooood景观设计;gooood室内设计 请务必勾选:不显示转载来源
1. 项目发布前不提供预览,发布后不修改、不撤稿,请务必确认投稿资料(各级标题、内容、版权、项目信息等)准确无误,收到资料即进入审核流程,不再修改。
2. 需要提供每张图片的版权信息,有多个摄影师的情况下需分别注明。投稿前必须与项目的摄影师确认图片版权,避免产生版权问题。
3. 收到投稿资料即默认谷德有权对项目进行排版并安排发布时间,项目通过审核后会直接发布。特殊要求请直接标注在文件中,如对图注有特定要求,需在图片名称内标清中英图注。
4. 如有合作设计方请务必标明,在各方协商好的情况下投稿,避免单方面投稿带来的纠纷。如果单独投稿一个项目的室内或景观设计部分需要在标题中写明是×××项目室内设计/景观设计
5. 如需预定微信头版请在投稿邮件中告诉我们。【关于微信头版的预定请点击这里,注意看投稿选中情况下费用。】
点击这里下载投稿表格 密码: 1234
Since it’s inception in 2010, gooood has expanded rapidly into the most popular and influential architecture, landscape, design and art online magazine and community. Based in Beijing, gooood is a top-ranked website in the field of Architecture (including landscape and interior design) which has the highest traffic in China (one of the top 10 architecture sites in the world; 1st rank in top architecture sites in both China and Asia). Despite already having over 7,000,000 followers on our website and social media accounts (over 640,000 on WeChat ) and honored with a top position of leadership, influence and reputation within the industry, gooood continues to grow at an exponential rate.
We are now offering free online publication once the project is approved.
Please include the following in your submissions:
1. Description, Word format, fluent and accurate English text.
2. Photos, High-res jpg format, Larger than 1700 pixels width. Gif should be smaller than 2mb. No watermark.
3. Plan, elevation and section graphs etc, High-res jpg. with credits for each and > 1700 pixels width. Without white frame.
4. Interior projects need to be checked again because the embellishment of images sometimes blankets the ture environment. Please provide phone video of a complete circle in the space.
Please read the following statement before submitting:
1. No preview and no modification before and after the online publication. Please make sure that all the materials (titles, contents, copyrights, project information, etc.) are accurate and correct.
2. Credit each image, especially there are more than one photographer. Before submission, please confirm the copyright with the photographer to avoid copyright problems.
3. Once receiving the materials, gooood has the right to decide the layout of the article and free to make publication arrangements.
4. If there are multiple partners, please confirm the information with them to avoid mistakes and disputes. If your project is only the interior or landscape part of the whole programme, use the title “××× interior design/landscape design.