Under 35 – Wang Yaohua

Chinese young architect started his career in LA, with a long-term vision in architectural design and research.

City of Ryde Civic Center / Preliminary Research Office

A place with dynamic and flexible spaces rooted in humane-scale.

Qingdao Aquarium (Competition Finalist) by PRO

Focus on a series of formally organic and fluid figures to deal with complex design problem.

Gooood Idea Gu De Ideas Album NO.34

The system of thought, the thought of the system, the system of the system, the thought of the mind.

Avant-gardeNO.6— Yaohua Wang

When you are just a fish, you better be a little bit slippery. Be aware of your situation, and then find a way to make a comeback.

gooood Idea 谷德想法专辑NO.33


gooood Idea NO.31

Take a look at some of the pieces of architecture that have been in the past two decades.

Viewing Tower , Wutai Mountain, China / Yaohua Wang

A new “hybrid-nature” is orchestrated in the productive contrast the structure and its environment .

Avant-gardeNO.6— Yaohua Wang

In order to be confident, you have to take off your mask first.

gooood Idea谷德想法专辑NO.2–急性子的慢活

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