‘Oumoumou 奥默默建筑设计工作室是一间专注于建筑实践、城市更新、教学理论研究的建筑事务所。我们认为,当下复兴历史街区需要超越传统意义上的建筑物质性修缮,更应深入生活意义的发掘、保护和激活,而进入“日常性”的复兴。敏感捕捉日常生活中细微的美好与光芒,挖掘历史街区深厚的文化底蕴,融入当代生活美学,最大程度地唤醒那些熟悉的邻里空间和公共生活。以空间品质功能性提升和柔性界面融入为目标的历史街区空间综合整治实践,其内核是微空间的针灸式改造和利益相关方的广泛参与,最终重现街区的文化深度和当代生活的“人间烟火”,最终实现从拟物到共情。
‘Oumoumou Studio is an architectural firm focusing on architectural practice, urban renewal and teaching theory research. We believe that the current revival of historical blocks needs to go beyond the traditional sense of architectural material repair, but also should go deep into the exploration, protection and activation of the meaning of life, and enter the "Daily" revival.